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Accueil - Courses - Programs taught in English - Diplôme supérieur d'université mention Droit administratif (Administrative Law)

Diplôme supérieur d'université mention Droit administratif (Administrative Law)

Diplôme supérieur d'université mention Droit administratif (Administrative Law)

Diplôme supérieur d'université mention Droit administratif (Administrative Law)


Direction: M. Thomas PERROUD

Diplôme supérieur d'université (DSU) - Droit

Diplôme Délivré:
Diplôme supérieur d’université
Durée des études:
1 year
Modalités d'enseignement:
Formation initiale


Paris-Panthéon-Assas University offers Master's level programs specifically designed for international students and known as Diplômes Supérieurs d'Université (D.S.U.). This type of legal education is particularly well-suited to the specific needs of international students and consists of four types of teaching:

  1. Introduction to French public and private law courses.
  2. Study direction and methodology (training in French legal exercises).
  3. Undergraduate and/or first-year Master's level courses (lectures and tutorials) depending on the chosen specialization.
  4. Advanced French language courses.


  • Enable international students to pursue a legal education while improving their proficiency in French.
  • Enhance their knowledge of French law within the offered specializations.



Niveau d'entrée:
Bac +4

Profil recommandé

To be eligible for admission, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  1. Hold a degree in law obtained from a foreign institution that is recognized as equivalent to a French Master 1.
  2. Hold one of the following French language diplomas (level B2 minimum):
  • Test de connaissance du français (TCF) with the written expression part
  • Test d'évaluation de français (TEF)
  • Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF)
  • DU de FLE (Français Langue Étrangère) from French universities
  • Diplôme du Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne

For detailed information regarding the application procedures, please visit the dedicated webpage: Les Diplômes Supérieurs d'Université.


The degree program consists of the following components:

Core Courses :

  • Introduction to Public Law
  • Introduction to Private Law
  • Study Direction and Methodology
  • French Language

In addition, there are two mandatory courses:

  • Administrative Law - First Semester (lectures and tutorials)
  • Administrative Law - Second Semester (lectures and tutorials)

Students are also required to choose one of the following elective courses:

  • Fundamental Freedoms Law (lectures and tutorials)
  • Administrative Litigation (lectures and tutorials)

Poursuites d'études

Application to a Master's Program



Phone: +33 (0)1 44 41 55 33

International Affairs - International Degrees & Campuses Unit
Bureau 706
92 rue d’Assas - 75006 Paris

Director of studies


Organization of Studies

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Duration of study : 1 year
Degree awarded : Higher university degree
Terms of education : Intital formation
Brochure : Download


Paris-Panthéon-Assas University offers Master's level programs specifically designed for international students and known as Diplômes Supérieurs d'Université (D.S.U.). This type of legal education is particularly well-suited to the specific needs of international students and consists of four types of teaching:

  1. Introduction to French public and private law courses.
  2. Study direction and methodology (training in French legal exercises).
  3. Undergraduate and/or first-year Master's level courses (lectures and tutorials) depending on the chosen specialization.
  4. Advanced French language courses.


  • Enable international students to pursue a legal education while improving their proficiency in French.
  • Enhance their knowledge of French law within the offered specializations.


Input Level : Bac +4

To be eligible for admission, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  1. Hold a degree in law obtained from a foreign institution that is recognized as equivalent to a French Master 1.
  2. Hold one of the following French language diplomas (level B2 minimum):
  • Test de connaissance du français (TCF) with the written expression part
  • Test d'évaluation de français (TEF)
  • Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF)
  • DU de FLE (Français Langue Étrangère) from French universities
  • Diplôme du Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne

For detailed information regarding the application procedures, please visit the dedicated webpage: Les Diplômes Supérieurs d'Université.


The degree program consists of the following components:

Core Courses :

  • Introduction to Public Law
  • Introduction to Private Law
  • Study Direction and Methodology
  • French Language

In addition, there are two mandatory courses:

  • Administrative Law - First Semester (lectures and tutorials)
  • Administrative Law - Second Semester (lectures and tutorials)

Students are also required to choose one of the following elective courses:

  • Fundamental Freedoms Law (lectures and tutorials)
  • Administrative Litigation (lectures and tutorials)

Further studies

Application to a Master's Program


Phone: +33 (0)1 44 41 55 33

International Affairs - International Degrees & Campuses Unit
Bureau 706
92 rue d’Assas - 75006 Paris

Director of studies